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Thanks to all those who attended

Celebrate Spring!

An Outdoor Music Extravaganza


Saturday, May 1st, 2021

Sunday, May 2nd, 2021


$20 suggested general admission each day

Thank you for your support!


Celebrate Spring at Beattie with a weekend of great music! We were thrilled to offer this outdoor event presenting classical & jazz players: classical artists from Bard Conservatory and the Broad Street Trio, and jazz artists presented by Planet Arts. Thanks to the incredible support by donors Alan Gosule and Nina Matis, we are able to hold this event outside under a large tent, on Beattie's lawn. Attendees joined us for stunning views overlooking the Hudson and a celebration in music.


Distanced, both under and outside the tent, general admission. Face coverings and social distancing required. The show will go on, rain or shine, and we can’t wait to see you! 


Classical Saturday, May 1st:

2:00pm: Bard Conservatory Vocal Arts Ensemble

2:30pm: Broad Street Trio  

4:00pm: Bard Brass Quintet  

Saturday will also include a cash raffle and a post-concert reception, for additional donation.  


Jazz Sunday, May 2nd:

2:00pm: LaLama/Smulyan/Pasin Sextet

3:30pm: Scott Petito Quartet

Jazz artists are presented by Planet Arts. Proceeds from Sunday will support Beattie-Powers Place & Planet Arts


Performer information


Classical Saturday, May 1st

​Bard Conservatory Vocal Arts Ensemble

Kirby Burgess

Melanie Dubil
Joanne Evans
Micah Gleason
Samantha Martin
Sarah Rauch
Alexis Seminario

Directed by Erika Switzer, Bard College Conservatory of Music


Broad Street Trio

Elizabeth Chinery, flute

Jay Shulman, cello

David Smith, piano


Bard Brass Quintet

Adam Shohet and Aleksander Vitanov, trumpet

Liri Ronen, horn

Ameya Natarajan, trombone

Evan Petratos, tuba


Jazz Sunday, May 2nd

LaLama/Smulyan/Pasin Sextet

Gary Smulyan, baritone saxophone

Ralph LaLama, tenor Saxophone

Chris Pasin, trumpet

Mike Demicco, guitar

John Menegon, bass

Mike Benedict, drums


Scott Petito Quartet

Scott Petito, bass

Rachel Z, piano

Jay Collins, saxophone

Ben Perowsky, drums



Thanks to our Beattie Extravaganza Champions for your incredible support!


Carl Schecter

David Walker & Catherine Beason

Edward Rothfarb

Frances Spark & Michel Goldberg

Greg Powell

Nina Matis & Alan Gosule

Richard Philp

Rita Landy

Teri Echaniz & Paul Echaniz

The Wine Cellar in Catskill

Todd Whitley & Gary Holder


Planet Arts is supported by the New York State Council on the Arts, the Greene County CIP Program administered by the Greene County Council on the Arts, the Bank of Greene County and individual donors and supporters.


Beattie-Powers Place is supported by individual donors & supporters. Special thanks to The Bank of Greene County.

To learn more about Beattie-Powers Place and how to support this all-volunteer organization, click here. 



Beattie Powers Flowers.jpg
Beattie in bloom.jpg
Beattie sunset facing Olana

Photo credits: Nina Sklansky, Marie Griffin, Rob Shannon. 

Beattie-Powers Place is located at

Prospect Ave & Bridge Street

Catskill, NY 12414







Mailing address:

Friends of Beattie-Powers Place

P.O. Box 453

Catskill, NY 12414



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Beattie-Powers Programs are made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the Office of the Governor and the New York State Legislature.


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